Jasmine Road
Residential Program
Jasmine Road is South Carolina’s first two-year residential program for adult women
survivors of human trafficking, prostitution, and addiction.
We are rooted in this simple word, and it all starts with home: a safe, stable, and peaceful place to rest and heal. We embrace the concept “love heals” by surrounding each woman with a community based on unconditional love.
Through community partnerships, we work together to address the healing needs of each woman from an evidence- based holistic perspective.
We empower each woman to blossom and thrive by providing sustainable employment, personal and educational development opportunities, stable housing, and long-term support after graduation.
Residential Program FAQs
Can I refer someone else to the program?
Yes, you can refer someone else to the Jasmine Road program and our staff welcomes questions about the entrance process, however, each applicant must contact our staff for an interview and screening. In addition, the applicant must answer the questions on the application herself due to the personal nature of the information requested. This application is available online (click here) or by request at info@jasmineroad.org.
How long will it take to gain entry into the program?
Because of limited bedspace, we are unable to give a set time frame for entry into the Jasmine Road program. Regular contact with staff and adherence to an individualized intake plan will be required to remain active on the waiting list.
What are the criteria for qualifying for the program?
• A woman entering the Jasmine Road program must be over 18 years of age and have a history of prostitution or trafficking in addition to an alcohol and/or drug addiction.
• A woman entering the Jasmine Road program must be willing to commit to a two-year residential program. (The residential program is not a transitional housing program.)
• A woman being considered for Jasmine Road must demonstrate willingness to participate in open recovery groups as suggested by Jasmine Road Staff. A variety of groups meet weekly at Triune Mercy Center.
Who does not qualify for the program?
• Jasmine Road is unable to offer services to pregnant women or women who have children living with them.
• Jasmine Road is unable to offer services to women on the sex offenders registry.
• Jasmine Road may be unable to offer services to women with outstanding criminal charges. This will be determined by the Jasmine Road program staff on a case by case basis.
• Jasmine Road is unable to offer services to males.
How much does it cost to be in the Jasmine Road program?
Jasmine Road provides 24 months of rent-free housing through the residential program. Our housing first model is a holistic restoration program that not only addresses recovery from trauma and addiction, but also provides the tools to thrive on a new road to the future Jasmine Road is not a halfway house or a transitional housing program, and residents are required to actively participate in Jasmine Road programming while in the residential program.
I need emergency housing for myself or someone I work with, can Jasmine Road help?
Please be aware that Jasmine Road does not offer Emergency Housing. If you are in need of Emergency Shelter we recommend calling Shepherds Gate (864-268-5589), Salvation Army (864-235-4803), or Safe Harbor (1-800-291-2139). Please be aware that Jasmine Road may require a prospective resident to go through alcohol or drug detox or/ and inpatient drug rehab before entrance into the program.
I filled out an application online, how long will it take to hear back?
Please be patient as the staff responds to your request. You should receive a response from the Jasmine Road staff within 72 hours. Please include a valid phone number where you can be reached in your application and indicate if it is safe for someone from Jasmine Road to call you back. If you need to reach the program staff regarding your application, please call 864-283-5198.